100% Refund: If the booking is canceled more than one month in advance.
50% Refund: If the booking is canceled one week to one month in advance.
No Refund: If the booking is canceled less than one week in advance.
Date Changes
Date changes are allowed with at least one week’s notice. Date change requests made less than a week in advance cannot be accommodated.
Climate and Ocean Conditions
We closely follow the DIMAR flag system to ensure the safety and comfort of our clients during their trips. DIMAR issues green, yellow, and red flags to indicate ocean conditions:
Green Flag: Safe ocean conditions. All trips proceed as scheduled.
Yellow Flag: Caution advised. Trips may proceed with modifications based on safety evaluations. Refunds are provided only if the trip is canceled due to safety concerns.
Red Flag: Dangerous ocean conditions. All trips will be canceled, and a 100% refund will be issued.
Rain and Severe Weather
In case of heavy rain or other severe weather conditions that may affect the trip experience, the booking will be 100% refunded or rescheduled based on client preference.
Unexpected Issues
If clients experience unforeseen travel issues beyond their control, such as flight cancellations or emergencies, we may reschedule or provide a full refund at our discretion. Clients must notify us as soon as possible to discuss available options.