Nestled in the serene waters of the Rosario Islands, just off the coast of Cartagena, lies Isla Grande—a tranquil paradise known for its crystal-clear waters, coral reefs, and lush greenery. The terreno of Isla Grande is renowned for its natural beauty and historical...
If you don’t want to take the 40 minute boat ride to the Rosario Islands to find a good beach clubs then there are some great options just 5 minutes from the city on the big island. Just a short boat ride from Cartagena, Tierra Bomba Island is where you’ll find...
When you think of a tropical getaway, your mind might drift to the sun-soaked beaches of Cancun or the luxurious resorts of Cabo. However, if you’re looking for a destination that blends history, culture, and stunning natural beauty, Cartagena, Colombia, offers...