Nestled in the serene waters of the Rosario Islands, just off the coast of Cartagena, lies Isla Grande—a tranquil paradise known for its crystal-clear waters, coral reefs, and lush greenery. The terreno of Isla Grande is renowned for its natural beauty and historical...
Cartagena, Colombia, known for its stunning colonial architecture, vibrant culture, and beautiful beaches, is increasingly becoming a popular choice for travelers seeking both adventure and relaxation. One of the most significant concerns for travelers is safety, but...
When planning a day trip in Cartagena, Colombia, the stunning coastal scenery and rich marine life are just the beginning of what you can experience. One must-visit destination that complements your boat day trip is the Oceanario, a remarkable oceanarium dedicated to...
The Rosario Islands, located just off the coast of Cartagena, Colombia, are a tropical paradise known for their crystal-clear waters, vibrant coral reefs, and stunning natural beauty. Among these islands, Isla Grande stands out as the largest and most popular...
The Ultimate Guide to Island Trips Around Cartagena: Find Your Perfect Adventure we pride ourselves on offering flexible and personalized boat trips, allowing our clients to explore the beautiful Rosario Islands and Barú area at their own pace. Whether you want to...